Mantra - Community, Health, Adventure, Purpose

^z 18th February 2024 at 7:40am

Be a good CHAP!

  • Community
  • Health
  • Adventure
  • Purpose

Help others, be physically fit, seek novelty, and make a meaningful life – especially as one gets older – as suggested by author Caroline Paul, in her book on "How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age". As Paul notes, "... we need these aspects of adventure, like vitality, exhilaration, exploration and a little bit of danger and awe in our lives ..." – and her recommendation that people strive for "... health, novelty, community and purpose ...".

(see Caroline Paul in "Why Adventure Should Be Part Of Your Healthy Aging Plan" and "My Mother Got on a Bike. It Changed Her Life."; cf CompactLiving (2007-03-18), No Goal (2015-03-01), Mantra - Safety, Health, Insight, Peace (2015-10-30), Happier and Healthier (2020-07-08), Scandinavian Health (2021-05-24), Good Life (2023-01-15), Designing Your Life (2023-08-08), Recovery to Health (2023-09-18), ...) - ^z - 2024-02-18